Part 100: I'm afraid this is check and mate.
-Disappearing Star-

Black-Haired Boy: ...Nn.

Black-Haired Boy: E...Estelle...Why here...?


Black-Haired Boy: ...

-Heartless Surprise Attack-

Surprise attack?!

Fuck your surprise attack.

This attack has a chance of deathblow. Don't neglect those Skull Pendants.

And this one can AT-Delay.

A single Dual Strike can cancel Grail Sphere's double Max Guard.

But that's why we have True Distend.

Uh oh.


*clap clap clap clap clap*
-Release from the Spell, And...-

Girl: Heehee...
Young Man: ...
Seated Man: Ha-ha! You were just a fraction too slow in realizing the deception, I fear. I'm afraid this is check and mate.


-Engaged People in Secret Maneuvers-